3 Quick Tips That Make Bulking Easier

nutrition tips Jul 06, 2021

If you are reading this, that means you are interested in bulking up and gaining muscle mass. Before I jump into the list, I am going to assume that you already know that you need to eat a lot of food and workout to gain size. Now that that's out of the way, let's get into the quick tips that will make bulking easier.


1) Drink a protein shake before bed every night

While you may already drink a protein shake at some point everyday, I highly suggest having one at night right before bed.

This will do 2 things for you: Increase your daily calorie intake a few hundred calories, and also improve your recovery during your sleep.

You will be able to finish each day in a calorie surplus by adding in enough calories to your shake. Ingredients like peanut butter, high protein ice cream, and whole milk can quickly get you to 500+ calories.

When you sleep, that is potentially 7+ hours of no protein. When you intake casein protein, either through food or powder supplements, you will have...

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4 Ways Skinny Guys Can Increase Core Definition

muscle building tips Jun 11, 2021

A big problem that skinny guys new to training go through is that they think they have low body fat, but they still have a gut. Small arms and no core definition is a rough place to be, but today I want to show how skinny guys can increase their core definition.

#1- Increase overall muscle mass

The best way that skinny guys can increase core definition is to have more muscle everywhere. Focusing on working all your major muscle groups like your legs, back, chest, and shoulders will quickly add muscle to your frame.

When the rest of your body is bigger and more muscular, it will create the appearance of a smaller midsection. Basically, you want to create a visual distraction that will make you more aesthetic.


#2- Train your core correctly

What I mean by training your core correctly is to make sure you know how to activate the muscles deep in your core first, them move on to more difficult exercises.

A good place to start is with the stomach vacuum exercise. Stand up tall and...

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33 Muscle Building Foods Perfect For Skinny Guys

nutrition tips May 27, 2021

33 Muscle Building Foods Perfect For Skinny Guys

For skinny guys that are looking to get bigger and put on more muscle, eating in a calorie surplus is the best way to reach your goal. There are some foods that will make eating in a calorie surplus easier. Here is a list of 33 foods you need to add to your meal prepping rotation.


1. Eggs

2. Chicken breast

3. Chicken thighs

4. Ground beef

5. Tuna

6. Lentils

7. Turkey breast

8. Ground turkey

9. Seeds (Pumpkin, flax, chia, etc.)

10. Fish (Salmon, cod, tilapia, etc.)

11. Shellfish (Lobster, shrimp, crab, etc.)

12. Steak

13. Porkchops

14. Beef jerky

15. Tofu

4 Actionable Steps To Easier Meal Prepping


16. Oats

17. Quinoa

18. Ezekiel bread

19. Noodles (Spaghetti, fettuccine, soba, etc.)

20. Potatoes (Russet, Yukon, sweet, etc.)

21. Rice (White or mixed/dirty rice)

22. Buckwheat

23. All fruits

24. All vegetables



25. Cottage cheese

26. Greek yogurt

27. Milk

28. Nuts (Cashews, pecans, almonds, etc.)


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4 Actionable Steps To Easier Meal Prepping

nutrition tips May 24, 2021

4 Actionable Steps To Easier Meal Prepping

Bulking up as a skinny guy doesn't need to be complicated. Way too often skinny guys defeat themselves before they even start because they overwhelm themselves with options.

I want to give you 4 actionable steps that you can use TODAY to meal prep like a champ and build some muscle.


#1: Food Budget

The first thing you need to do is set a food budget. You have to know how much you are willing to spend every month on food. That will effect the quality and quantity of what you eat. I recommend spending $400 or less on food every month. While that may sound like a lot to you, it really isn't. This means $400/month total, including restaurant visits.

Record a log of how much money you spent on groceries and restaurants last month. You may be surprised to see that you already spend more than $100/week on food.


#2: Pick 3 Protein Sources

The second thing I want you to do is pick out 3 protein sources you will eat that week. Yes, just...

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4 Exercises Skinny Men Must Do To Build Muscle From Home

workout programs May 14, 2021

4 Exercises Skinny Men MUST do to build muscle from home

If you don't have a gym membership, don't know what to do at the gym, or prefer to workout at home, you may be wondering how you can maximize your muscle building from home. The good news is you can still get a great workout with minimal equipment from home. All you'll need is a pullup bar and a couch. These are the 4 exercises you NEED to be doing during your home workouts:


Form: Grab on to the pullup bar with your hands evenly spaced. Visualize lifting your chest up as high as possible, then bring your elbows down and into the sides of your ribcage. When you pull yourself up, think about squeezing your lats instead of thinking about getting your chin over the bar. This will make your muscles work more and lead to more development. Lower your body down under control until your arms are almost straight and then repeat.

You will need a pullup bar that you attach to a doorway or a separate pullup bar that you can set...

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The 4 BEST Exercises To Make Your Back Grow-B Lewis Fitness

muscle building tips Mar 26, 2021

Want to have a more muscular physique? A thicker and wider back will make you appear more muscular every time. Before we jump into the 4 exercises you NEED to be doing to build a bigger back, there is a secret you need to know. Failure to apply this knowledge to your back exercises will limit your results...you ready for the secret?


Focus on what your elbows are doing during back exercises (Think about pulling your elbows into your sides). You need to feel your lats working to maximize your contractions. If you do that consistently over time, you'll notice rapid growth. Now let's jump into the exercises you need to be doing.


1. Pullups

Pullups are the best bodyweight exercises you can do to develop your back. There are a few variations I want to cover:

-Band assisted

This variation can be a good starting point for those who don't currently have the strength to complete a full bodyweight pullup. Use a strong mini band to assist your pullups. Tie the band...

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Why Won't My Chest Grow?... 3 Ways Skinny Guys Can Grow Their Chest

muscle building tips Mar 24, 2021

Every skinny guy reading this probably started their fitness journey with one question in mind..."How can I get a bigger chest?"

It's a huge part of every guy's dream physique, but for skinny guys with long arms, it may be tougher to build an impressive/strong looking chest. Below are 3 problems that skinny guys have and ways they can overcome those obstacles to grow their chest.


Problem #1: You focus too much on the bench press

When skinny guys start their journey into the glorious house of gains, they see massive physical specimens strutting across the floor with massive pecs. These big guys spend the majority of their time in the gym on the bench press. So the correlation seems to be if you want a big chest, you bench press. The issue with that is that could be something holding you back from developing your chest.

The Fix: Focus on exercises that allow YOU to feel your chest working

If you bench press week-in and week-out, but you never feel much tension in your...

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Having A Great Physique Isn't For You. There Are 4 Reasons Why...

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2021

So you've just recently started your journey into the fitness world. You have big dreams of taking your shirt off at the beach and having everyone's jaw drop in amazement at your six-pack abs, capped delts, huge arms, and V-taper.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but having a physique like that probably isn't going to happen for you...nor does it need to happen for you. There are 4 reasons why having a great physique isn't for you:

1. It takes YEARS to build a GREAT physique.

The biggest reason having a great physique isn't for you is because it takes YEARS to build your ideal dream body. Yes...literally years to be able to have a chiseled physique that is front cover of a magazine ready.

If you don't believe me, ask anyone that has an impressive physique how many months they worked out to look the way they do. I guarantee they let out the best laugh they'll have that day at how absurd it is to assume it only takes months for a beginner to get photo shoot ready.

Now, I don't want...

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5 Nutrition Tips That Skinny Guys MUST Know To Gain Weight This Month

nutrition tips Feb 16, 2021

If you're a skinny guy, you know that most fitness advice is geared towards bigger people looking to lose weight. The problem is, there isn't that much quality advice for the skinny guys outside of "Eat big to get big, bro".

While there is some truth to that statement, there are so many other nuances that need to be known by skinnier guys if they ever want to put on noticeable size and strength. If you're reading this, I assume you already know that you need to eat more, but I want to give you some ways HOW you can do that.

Here are 5 nutrition tips that skinny guys MUST know to gain weight:

1. Increase your meal frequency

Far too often, skinny guys try to "Eat big to get big". This doesn't work because your stomach is likely too small (right now) to eat a lot of calories in one sitting. While you may eat to the point of getting full, if you can only consume 800 quality calories per meal and do that 3 times per day, that's still likely not enough food to grow.

If you increase...

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Skinny Guys Need To Do Cardio Too

fitnesstips Oct 16, 2020
How many skinny guys refuse to do cardio out of fear that any calories burned will keep them small?
That is an understandable thought process to have, but it is also a mistake that may be stopping your gains. Let me explain.
Cardio can have 5 GREAT benefits for skinny guys that can actually HELP them put on weight.
#1- Improved cardiovascular health. Getting bigger and more muscular is great, but at the end of the day, you need your heart to be healthy so you can enjoy your new found gains for many years to come. What good is it go put on 20lbs just to take 10 years off your life from having a weak heart? In addition to this, better cardiovascular endurance will allow you to increase the intensity of your weight training.
#2- Increased appetite. When you burn a few calories and work up a sweat while doing cardio, your body will start to crave food. Use this to your advantage. If you are consistently lacking the appetite to eat in a caloric surplus, extra cardio may slightly...
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