Are Doing Curls Killing Your Gains?

muscle building tips Aug 04, 2021

Skinny Guys: Doing Curls Is Killing Your Gains


A common mistake that most skinny guys new to the gym make is focusing a large part of their training program towards arm workouts.


I get it, you want big arms, so just work your arms and you'll be bursting out your sleeves in no time right?....WRONG!


The reason why you don't want to train like this, is because you need more mass OVERALL in order to make significant arm gains.


If you are 5'10, only weigh 145lbs, and have never seriously weight trained, doing arm workouts is pointless and a waste of your time in the gym. Your arm size will plateau quickly because you simply don't weigh much. (There's a reason you don't see many skinny guys with huge arms)


Skinny guys that are able to transform in to muscular guys understand that EVERYTHING needs to grow. When you go from 145lbs to 180lbs, I guarantee you that your arms will be bigger.


So what exercises should you focus on to gain arm size as a beginner?


-Pressing exercises (bench press, overhead press, etc.)

-Pulling exercises (pullups, rows, lat pulldowns, etc.)

-Single leg exercises (lunges, split squats, etc.)

-Squats (Goblet squats, back squats, front squats, etc.)

-Deadlifts (RDLs, Trap bar, DB deadlifts, etc.)

-Carries (Farmers walk variations)


Why are these better?


These types of exercises have more muscle building potential due to them working large muscle groups. When paired with a proper nutrition and recovery strategy, your ENTIRE body will get bigger, including the arms.


Start implementing at least one exercise from each of the above categories and watch your arm size well as everything else.


If you want coaching on HOW to make this training strategy work for you, so you can finally slap on some meat to your arms, click the link below to view information on The Skinny No More Program. This is a high quality training and nutrition program for skinny men who are serious about changing their physique. You can expect to put on an additional 5-10lbs in just 3 months.

The Skinny No More Program details: The Skinny No More Program


If you are interested in being coached virtually by B Lewis Fitness, send in an application for online training here:

Apply For Online Training With B Lewis Fitness


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