4 Ways Skinny Guys Can Increase Core Definition

muscle building tips Jun 11, 2021

A big problem that skinny guys new to training go through is that they think they have low body fat, but they still have a gut. Small arms and no core definition is a rough place to be, but today I want to show how skinny guys can increase their core definition.

#1- Increase overall muscle mass

The best way that skinny guys can increase core definition is to have more muscle everywhere. Focusing on working all your major muscle groups like your legs, back, chest, and shoulders will quickly add muscle to your frame.

When the rest of your body is bigger and more muscular, it will create the appearance of a smaller midsection. Basically, you want to create a visual distraction that will make you more aesthetic.


#2- Train your core correctly

What I mean by training your core correctly is to make sure you know how to activate the muscles deep in your core first, them move on to more difficult exercises.

A good place to start is with the stomach vacuum exercise. Stand up tall and take a deep breath in through your nose. Now, suck your stomach in as hard as possible, trying to pull your belly button in towards your spine. Do this for 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps. A full rep is: deep breath in the nose, suck the stomach in, hold your breath for a couple seconds, breath out the mouth and stomach expanding.

When you are viewing your body from the side during the exercise, you should see your stomach going in and out, NOT your chest going up and down.

Once you are able to feel a deep core burn and this becomes easy, try to take small breaths through in and out your mouth during the stomach vacuum to extend the duration of the set.

Once you have mastered the stomach vacuum, move on to the deadbug exercise, leg lifts, and other bodyweight movements that work different parts of the core.

The final tip for training your core correctly is to do weighted core exercises. This will increase the thickness of your abdominal muscles. When you want bigger arms, you train them with progressively heavier weight, and the ending result is bigger arms right?

Same rules apply for your core. When those muscles are bigger and you have low body fat, they will poke through and help you look ripped.


#3- Remove processed junk food from your diet

There's a saying that goes, "You are what you eat." Well I believe that you LOOK like what you eat. If you eat lean protein, tons of fruits and vegetables, and healthy carb sources, your physique will reflect that.

If you eat a bunch of cookies, and highly processed carb sources, it doesn't matter if your total calorie intake is low...Your stomach won't look that great. I'm not saying you should NEVER eat processed foods, but doing it too much will slow your progress towards the goal of a defined midsection.


#4- Drink more water

When you are chronically dehydrated, your body will retain more water...and where does that water usually go? Your stomach. That extra bloat will cover up ab definition quickly. Start slow, but aim to get close to a gallon of water everyday.


Do all four of these tips consistently for a couple months and your core definition will come through.

If you are looking for more guidance on how to maximize your muscle growth as a skinny guy, including what to do with nutrition and recovery, I am doing a free training on June 26th, 2021 at 1pm (EST) showing you what mistakes you are making and how to fix them. The link to register for that FREE training is below:

Skinny No More FREE training

If you need help with the nutrition side of building more muscle, including how to meal prep QUICKLY, while being on a budget, download my FREE pdf where I will show you tips of how to make meal prepping easier and how to eat based on specific calorie goals. Click the link below to get the PDF.

Make Your Meal Prep Easier

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