3.5 Simple Things Skinny Men Can Do To Gain Weight (This Week)

fitnesstips Sep 08, 2021

Skinny guys need to have simple solutions that are repeatable to get long-lasting results. Below is a list of 3 things that every skinny guy reading this can start doing THIS WEEK to gain weight.


1) Switch from lean cuts of meat to fatty cuts

Lean cuts of meat like chicken breast, 90/10% beef, etc. are great for people looking to reduce their body fat. The problem is a lot of skinny guys see bodybuilders eating these foods and think, "Those guys are bigger than me and they eat chicken breast, so I should too."


The problem is those guys have already done the hard work of getting big first (and probably use PEDs). Every skinny guy struggling to gain weight can quickly get in a couple hundred calories more daily, by simply swapping to the fattier cut of whatever protein source they like.


  • Chicken breast -> Chicken thighs
  • 90/10% beef -> 80/20% beef
  • Tilapia -> Salmon
  • Egg whites -> Whole eggs


2) Set an alarm to eat every 4 hours you are awake for 7 days

For the next 7 days, set an alarm to remind yourself to eat. Many times skinny guys simply forget to eat. That's unacceptable for those serious about putting on size. It will take less than 1 minute to do this step, but it could make a huge difference in your quest to a bigger body. Think about it like this, if setting an alarm get you to eat an additional 500 calories per day, over the course of a week that could be an additional pound you gain!


3) Eat an EXTRA bagel everyday

Most bagels are 200-300 calories. It just so happens that for most guys looking to bulk, an extra 200-300 calorie surplus is enough to gain weight. This week, eat ONE extra bagel MORE than what you currently do daily. If you don't eat any bagels normally, start. If you are currently eating one bagel everyday, increase it to two. If you are 100% against eating bagels, switch this advice to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


3.5) Top your bagel with Greek yogurt

An extra bonus tip for you is to top your bagel with Greek yogurt. This is a high protein substitute for cream cheese that will help you reach your daily protein goal. It may sound weird, but trust me, when you get full-fat Greek yogurt, the consistency is surprisingly similar to cream cheese. You'll have a high calorie snack that is high in protein...a great strategy when you want more muscle and size.


Try out these 3.5 tips this week, and you should see the scale move an additional 1-2lbs.

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If you need help with the nutrition side of building more muscle, including how to meal prep QUICKLY, while being on a budget, download my FREE pdf where I will show you tips of how to make meal prepping easier and how to eat based on specific calorie goals. Click the link below to get the PDF.

Make Your Meal Prep Easier

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