The 4 BEST Exercises To Make Your Back Grow-B Lewis Fitness

muscle building tips Mar 26, 2021

Want to have a more muscular physique? A thicker and wider back will make you appear more muscular every time. Before we jump into the 4 exercises you NEED to be doing to build a bigger back, there is a secret you need to know. Failure to apply this knowledge to your back exercises will limit your ready for the secret?


Focus on what your elbows are doing during back exercises (Think about pulling your elbows into your sides). You need to feel your lats working to maximize your contractions. If you do that consistently over time, you'll notice rapid growth. Now let's jump into the exercises you need to be doing.


1. Pullups

Pullups are the best bodyweight exercises you can do to develop your back. There are a few variations I want to cover:

-Band assisted

This variation can be a good starting point for those who don't currently have the strength to complete a full bodyweight pullup. Use a strong mini band to assist your pullups. Tie the band around the pullup bar and place one foot into the band. As you get higher in the pullup, you'll begin to actually lift more of your weight in comparison to the bottom of the rep. Think about keeping your chest up high and pulling your elbows down into the sides of your ribcage. Once you are able to do 10 reps in one set, move on to the next variation.


This variation is the easiest bodyweight pullup because it allows you to use your biceps in their strongest position. Use an underhand grip on the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart. Lift your chest up as high as possible and bring your elbows down to your sides. Once you are able to do 10 reps, move on to the next variation.

-Neutral grip

This variation offers more of a challenge than chinups, because your biceps aren't able to assist the lift quite as much as chinups. Place your hands on a pullup bar attachment that has parallel bars (your palms should be facing each other). Lift your chest up as high as possible and bring your elbows down to your sides. Once you are able to do 10 reps, move on to the next variation.

-Wide grip

This variation is the toughest, because the biceps aren't in a strong position to help. Place your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart on a pullup bar. Focus on lifting your chest up and driving your elbows down into your sides. Make sure you get sensation in your lats, and not just into your biceps.


2. Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns are a great exercise to maximize lat contractions through vertical pulling. Use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and pull the bar towards your collarbone. Make sure you squeeze your elbows into your armpits HARD. A big mistake many people make is pulling too low with their hands. At the end range of motion, there should be a straight vertical line from your elbows to your hands.


3. Cable Rows

Cable rows are a great way of working your lats through horizontal pulling. You should feel the area in between your shoulder blades working when doing rows, as well as around the armpit area.

Start the rep by lifting your chest up and sitting upright, knees slightly bent. Pull your elbows into your sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together, trying to get the bar to your chest. Straighten out your arms until they return to the start position.



4. Farmers Walks

A lot of people have never done farmers walks, and that's a shame because it's one of the BEST things you can do to improve the appearance of your back. To do a farmers walk, grab on to two heavy dumbbells and stand up nice and tall, with your chest out and shoulder blades squeezed together. Now walk as far/long as you can until your grip gives out. Trust me, it's way harder than it sounds.

First, it will improve your posture. Farmers walks work most of the muscles that help to keep your shoulder blades back when standing naturally. This will help correct a forward shoulder static posture, while also creating a broader shoulder look in skinny guys.

Second, it will work your upper traps. Holding heavy weight for a long period of time puts tremendous stress on your upper traps and neck. Overtime, this will get that area thicker and stronger to make it easier to handle the heavy loads.

If you combine all 4 of these movement patterns into your training, while feeling quality back contractions, your back will see amazing growth.

If you want custom workout plans to help improve the size of your back, sign up for my Fitness OnlyFans account for just $9.99/month: Monthly Workout Plans


If you are a skinny guy looking for more tips to develop a muscular physique, click here: 59 Tips For Skinny Men


Follow B Lewis Fitness On Instagram: Follow B Lewis Fitness


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