The 6 Exercises Skinny Beginners MUST Do

muscle building tips Sep 15, 2021

Everyone starts their fitness journey at different levels of strength, muscle mass, bodyfat, and ability. For this reason, the exercises that work for one person may not be ideal (or necessary) for the next.

Skinny guys (for the most part) all have the same traits in common. Small/weak arms and legs, fear of lifting heavy weights, and confused about what exercises they need to do to get bigger muscles. Below is a list of the 6 exercises that skinny men MUST do if they want to have a stronger and more muscular physique.


1) Pushups

Yes, this simple exercise should be a staple in any beginning program for a skinny individual. Just because it is simple doesn't mean it's easy or ineffective, especially when done correctly. Pushups will give skinny guys the following benefits:

  • Build the chest, shoulders, and triceps
  • Easy to change the resistance by adjusting the height of your feet and/or the tempo of the reps
  • Can be done with high frequency and high volume to build a lot of...
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5 Ways Skinny Guys Can Get Bigger Arms (Least To Most Important)

muscle building tips Sep 09, 2021

Bigger's what every guy wants after their first time stepping foot into the gym. For some people, it's pretty easy to get bigger arms. For skinny guys that are underweight, it is a big struggle to add meat to their limbs. There are 5 things that skinny guys need to do to get bigger arms:


1) Train your arms the CORRECT way


What is the correct way to train your arms? It's actually not as complicated as you may think.


  1. Warm up the elbows by doing a light weight version of either dumbbell curls, straight bar curls, or EZ bar curls (if you have limited wrist mobility). Aim for 15-30 reps until you feel blood flow in your biceps. It is extremely important to not skip this step, as it will decrease your injury risk.
  2. Start with an exercise that allows you to go heavy for 8-12 reps using a full range of motion. This could be straight bar or EZ bar curls. You want to work the bicep with an exercise that makes the toughest part of the exercise happen in...
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Are Doing Curls Killing Your Gains?

muscle building tips Aug 04, 2021

Skinny Guys: Doing Curls Is Killing Your Gains


A common mistake that most skinny guys new to the gym make is focusing a large part of their training program towards arm workouts.


I get it, you want big arms, so just work your arms and you'll be bursting out your sleeves in no time right?....WRONG!


The reason why you don't want to train like this, is because you need more mass OVERALL in order to make significant arm gains.


If you are 5'10, only weigh 145lbs, and have never seriously weight trained, doing arm workouts is pointless and a waste of your time in the gym. Your arm size will plateau quickly because you simply don't weigh much. (There's a reason you don't see many skinny guys with huge arms)


Skinny guys that are able to transform in to muscular guys understand that EVERYTHING needs to grow. When you go from 145lbs to 180lbs, I guarantee you that your arms will be bigger.


So what exercises should you focus on to gain arm size as a...

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4 Ways Skinny Guys Can Increase Core Definition

muscle building tips Jun 11, 2021

A big problem that skinny guys new to training go through is that they think they have low body fat, but they still have a gut. Small arms and no core definition is a rough place to be, but today I want to show how skinny guys can increase their core definition.

#1- Increase overall muscle mass

The best way that skinny guys can increase core definition is to have more muscle everywhere. Focusing on working all your major muscle groups like your legs, back, chest, and shoulders will quickly add muscle to your frame.

When the rest of your body is bigger and more muscular, it will create the appearance of a smaller midsection. Basically, you want to create a visual distraction that will make you more aesthetic.


#2- Train your core correctly

What I mean by training your core correctly is to make sure you know how to activate the muscles deep in your core first, them move on to more difficult exercises.

A good place to start is with the stomach vacuum exercise. Stand up tall and...

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The 4 BEST Exercises To Make Your Back Grow-B Lewis Fitness

muscle building tips Mar 26, 2021

Want to have a more muscular physique? A thicker and wider back will make you appear more muscular every time. Before we jump into the 4 exercises you NEED to be doing to build a bigger back, there is a secret you need to know. Failure to apply this knowledge to your back exercises will limit your ready for the secret?


Focus on what your elbows are doing during back exercises (Think about pulling your elbows into your sides). You need to feel your lats working to maximize your contractions. If you do that consistently over time, you'll notice rapid growth. Now let's jump into the exercises you need to be doing.


1. Pullups

Pullups are the best bodyweight exercises you can do to develop your back. There are a few variations I want to cover:

-Band assisted

This variation can be a good starting point for those who don't currently have the strength to complete a full bodyweight pullup. Use a strong mini band to assist your pullups. Tie the band...

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Why Won't My Chest Grow?... 3 Ways Skinny Guys Can Grow Their Chest

muscle building tips Mar 24, 2021

Every skinny guy reading this probably started their fitness journey with one question in mind..."How can I get a bigger chest?"

It's a huge part of every guy's dream physique, but for skinny guys with long arms, it may be tougher to build an impressive/strong looking chest. Below are 3 problems that skinny guys have and ways they can overcome those obstacles to grow their chest.


Problem #1: You focus too much on the bench press

When skinny guys start their journey into the glorious house of gains, they see massive physical specimens strutting across the floor with massive pecs. These big guys spend the majority of their time in the gym on the bench press. So the correlation seems to be if you want a big chest, you bench press. The issue with that is that could be something holding you back from developing your chest.

The Fix: Focus on exercises that allow YOU to feel your chest working

If you bench press week-in and week-out, but you never feel much tension in your...

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The Skinny Guy's Struggle: How Do You Get Bigger?

muscle building tips Jul 29, 2020


It’s been a problem for many guys for their whole lives. Being skinny, but not knowing how to gain more weight and muscle and KEEP it on. 


I bet 99% of you reading this have always been the skinny guy. Always having that underlying anxiety of going into a gym and lifting weights, because you know you’re weak.  


You tell yourself if you could just gain about 10lbs of muscle, you’d have the confidence to live the life you always wanted to: Being confident talking to girls, having no fear of taking your shirt off at a pool, having other people give subtle looks at your arms because they’re popping out your me I know what you’re going through because I went through it too. 


I believe the reason some guys are chronically skinny is pretty easy to understand, and the fix for that is simple, but not easy. 


To me it’s like the chicken or the egg argument, it’s hard to tell...

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