The 6 Exercises Skinny Beginners MUST Do

muscle building tips Sep 15, 2021

Everyone starts their fitness journey at different levels of strength, muscle mass, bodyfat, and ability. For this reason, the exercises that work for one person may not be ideal (or necessary) for the next.

Skinny guys (for the most part) all have the same traits in common. Small/weak arms and legs, fear of lifting heavy weights, and confused about what exercises they need to do to get bigger muscles. Below is a list of the 6 exercises that skinny men MUST do if they want to have a stronger and more muscular physique.


1) Pushups

Yes, this simple exercise should be a staple in any beginning program for a skinny individual. Just because it is simple doesn't mean it's easy or ineffective, especially when done correctly. Pushups will give skinny guys the following benefits:

  • Build the chest, shoulders, and triceps
  • Easy to change the resistance by adjusting the height of your feet and/or the tempo of the reps
  • Can be done with high frequency and high volume to build a lot of muscle


2) Inverted Rows

Many people have never done inverted rows before, and that's a shame because they are a GREAT exercise. Some of the benefits include:

  • Build strength and size in the back and biceps
  • Can quickly adjust the resistance to keep it challenging for a long duration (time under tension is key to muscle growth)
  • Helps keep the shoulders healthy by strengthening the muscles that affect posture


3) Pelvic Tilt

Core exercises are something that many skinny guys take pride in. They have low bodyfat, so seeing the six-pack muscles is an easy achievement. What they don't understand is just because you can see your abs, it doesn't mean they are strong or that you have good control of them. Doing the pelvic tilt exercise has the following benefits:

  • Teaches you how to activate the core and create tension
  • Great way to train how to brace properly during bigger lifts like squats and deadlifts
  • It's necessary to know how to control the core BEFORE doing advanced exercises


4) Squats

Most skinny guys HATE doing squats. They are heavy, get you out of breath, leave you sore for days, and aren't as fun as working the upper body. All of that may be true for you, but if you don't squat you are missing out on the following benefits:

  • Squats work every large muscle group in you lower body which leads to a big potential to gain more muscle
  • Helps to naturally boost testosterone
  • The best "bang for your buck" exercise. You'll get more positive benefit from squats compared to any other exercise in the gym


5) Deadlifts

Deadlifts are an exercise that some people might be afraid of because they think they may break their back...quite the contrary. Deadlifts are one of the best things you can do to PREVENT lower back injuries. Knowing how to properly deadlift (bend at the hips) will carry over to real life more than most things you do in the gym. Deadlifts also have the following benefits:

  • Strengthens the posterior chain muscles to help prevent lower back injuries
  • Allows for a lot of central nervous system stress, which will help promote full body muscle growth to accommodate to the stress


6) Farmers Walk

Farmers walks are an exercise that appears pointless, but you'd be mistaken. Farmers walks are one of the BEST exercises skinny men can do for a variety of reasons:

  • Dynamically strengthens the core
  • Improves grip strength, which transfers to heavier deadlifts
  • Increases muscle mass in the upper back, which improves posture and enhances a muscular appearance
  • Trains the mind to be comfortable being uncomfortable, which translates to being ok with pushing to failure on other exercises


As you see, every one of these exercises are basic. Simple exercises done close to failure are EXACTLY what skinny guys need to get bigger and stronger. If you stick with a program that prioritizes these exercises and build from there, you will be noticeably bigger and stronger in as little as 3 months.

If you want a program that prioritizes the exercises that skinny men must do, as well as the nutritional steps that skinny men need to take in order to gain an additional 5-10lbs, the Skinny No More Program has you covered!

This is a 3-month program that covers every aspect of fitness for skinny men: Mentality, nutrition, training, recovery, exercise form, and more! To view details on this all-inclusive program, click the link below:

The Skinny No More Program

For help on how to meal prep 7 days in ONE hour (free guide) click here:


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