10 Reasons Why You Aren't Progressing In The Gym

fitnesstips Jul 03, 2024

If you’ve been really struggling to make progress in the gym and reach your fitness goal, there are 10 potential reasons why this is happening. Today we’re going to cover what those 10 things are and why they may be stopping you from getting results.

1) Not tracking your workouts

A lot of people think they aren’t making progress, but if you asked them how much they lifted on a certain exercise 3 months ago, they’d have no idea. They very well could be making progress, but they just have no way of knowing it.

If you want to be 100% sure that you’re making progress, you have to track the workouts. This lets you make small progressions often, and see which exercises you aren’t progressing on so you can swap them out.

At the start of your fitness journey, going to the gym and just…doing stuff... is going to work. Once the newbie gains are done, you have to be more serious about your training, and that means logging your workouts. Using an app...

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How Should Skinny Guys Train To Build Muscle?

fitnesstips Oct 16, 2021

Allow me to clear up any confusion on this topic right now...

There is no ONE best way that EVERY person should train.


There are training methods that will be more beneficial than others, depending on factors like strength level, training experience, injury history, and recovery/diet.

For skinny guys specifically, there are 3 styles of training that tend to work best...


1) Full Body Training

Pros: Makes it easier to learn proper form on big compound lifts due to 3X per week practice. You’ll quickly increase strength over your entire body and only need to workout 3 times per week.

Cons: It can be mentally challenging to want to work your legs 3X per week, and can get boring at times.

33 Muscle Building Foods For Skinny Guys


2) Upper/Lower Split

Pros: You’ll be able to focus on half of your body at a time, which can allow you push the intensity and volume over time quickly.

Cons: It can be easy to over train your muscles accidentally,...

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3.5 Simple Things Skinny Men Can Do To Gain Weight (This Week)

fitnesstips Sep 08, 2021

Skinny guys need to have simple solutions that are repeatable to get long-lasting results. Below is a list of 3 things that every skinny guy reading this can start doing THIS WEEK to gain weight.


1) Switch from lean cuts of meat to fatty cuts

Lean cuts of meat like chicken breast, 90/10% beef, etc. are great for people looking to reduce their body fat. The problem is a lot of skinny guys see bodybuilders eating these foods and think, "Those guys are bigger than me and they eat chicken breast, so I should too."


The problem is those guys have already done the hard work of getting big first (and probably use PEDs). Every skinny guy struggling to gain weight can quickly get in a couple hundred calories more daily, by simply swapping to the fattier cut of whatever protein source they like.


  • Chicken breast -> Chicken thighs
  • 90/10% beef -> 80/20% beef
  • Tilapia -> Salmon
  • Egg whites -> Whole eggs


2) Set an alarm to eat every 4 hours you are awake for 7...

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Skinny Guys Need To Do Cardio Too

fitnesstips Oct 16, 2020
How many skinny guys refuse to do cardio out of fear that any calories burned will keep them small?
That is an understandable thought process to have, but it is also a mistake that may be stopping your gains. Let me explain.
Cardio can have 5 GREAT benefits for skinny guys that can actually HELP them put on weight.
#1- Improved cardiovascular health. Getting bigger and more muscular is great, but at the end of the day, you need your heart to be healthy so you can enjoy your new found gains for many years to come. What good is it go put on 20lbs just to take 10 years off your life from having a weak heart? In addition to this, better cardiovascular endurance will allow you to increase the intensity of your weight training.
#2- Increased appetite. When you burn a few calories and work up a sweat while doing cardio, your body will start to crave food. Use this to your advantage. If you are consistently lacking the appetite to eat in a caloric surplus, extra cardio may slightly...
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7 Habits That Are Killing Your Gains

fitnesstips lists Jun 23, 2020

If you've hit a plateau with your fitness, it's probably because you're making one of the 7 mistakes listed below.

  1. Stress: You will greatly limit you’re muscle building potential if your body is constantly under stress. The hormone cortisol will be sky high on a much more consistent basis, and your results will plateau. Try to find a way to get some relief (in a healthy way!)

  2. Poor Nutrition: You know this by now. If you always eat crap, you’re going to look like it. Start with eliminating obvious junk, then move to improved consistency with high levels of protein and more water intake.

  3. Self-Sabotage Mindset: The reason you may not be maximizing your growth could be YOU. You have a minor setback like quarantine, can’t go to the gym and workout EXACTLY like you want to...so you completely stop eating healthy and get zero exercise for 3 months straight. Sound familiar? Promise yourself you’ll never do that again.

  4. Fear of a REAL gym: I get it, it can be...

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