Skinny Guys Need To Do Cardio Too

fitnesstips Oct 16, 2020
How many skinny guys refuse to do cardio out of fear that any calories burned will keep them small?⁣
That is an understandable thought process to have, but it is also a mistake that may be stopping your gains. Let me explain.⁣
Cardio can have 5 GREAT benefits for skinny guys that can actually HELP them put on weight.⁣
#1- Improved cardiovascular health. Getting bigger and more muscular is great, but at the end of the day, you need your heart to be healthy so you can enjoy your new found gains for many years to come. What good is it go put on 20lbs just to take 10 years off your life from having a weak heart? In addition to this, better cardiovascular endurance will allow you to increase the intensity of your weight training.⁣
#2- Increased appetite. When you burn a few calories and work up a sweat while doing cardio, your body will start to crave food. Use this to your advantage. If you are consistently lacking the appetite to eat in a caloric surplus, extra cardio may slightly increase your total daily calorie intake. If you burn 200 calories from cardio, but then are now hungry enough to eat 500 are now up 300 calories on the day!⁣
#3- Increased leg muscle development. If you choose to do an intense form of cardio like cycling or the stair stepper, you'll be able to add some quality muscle to your legs. Building muscle while also getting the above benefits is a win-win situation. ⁣
#4- Stress relief. A big component of your ability to build more muscle is to reduce your stress as much as possible. Cardio can be one of the healthiest ways to reduce stress. Going for a 20 minute walk can give you time to clear your head and keep your body in a low stress state.⁣
#5- Improved discipline/accountability. When you do cardio in addition to your weight training, it adds another layer of mental toughness to your routine. For example, those days when you don't feel like getting up early to hit the weights, instead of immediately skipping the workout, you have another option that requires even less effort. 
To see the 6 phases to maximizing muscle growth as a skinny man, click here: How To Maximize Muscle Growth
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