7 Habits That Are Killing Your Gains

fitnesstips lists Jun 23, 2020

If you've hit a plateau with your fitness, it's probably because you're making one of the 7 mistakes listed below.

  1. Stress: You will greatly limit you’re muscle building potential if your body is constantly under stress. The hormone cortisol will be sky high on a much more consistent basis, and your results will plateau. Try to find a way to get some relief (in a healthy way!)

  2. Poor Nutrition: You know this by now. If you always eat crap, you’re going to look like it. Start with eliminating obvious junk, then move to improved consistency with high levels of protein and more water intake.

  3. Self-Sabotage Mindset: The reason you may not be maximizing your growth could be YOU. You have a minor setback like quarantine, can’t go to the gym and workout EXACTLY like you want to...so you completely stop eating healthy and get zero exercise for 3 months straight. Sound familiar? Promise yourself you’ll never do that again.

  4. Fear of a REAL gym: I get it, it can be...

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