5 Nutrition Tips That Skinny Guys MUST Know To Gain Weight This Month

nutrition tips Feb 16, 2021

If you're a skinny guy, you know that most fitness advice is geared towards bigger people looking to lose weight. The problem is, there isn't that much quality advice for the skinny guys outside of "Eat big to get big, bro".

While there is some truth to that statement, there are so many other nuances that need to be known by skinnier guys if they ever want to put on noticeable size and strength. If you're reading this, I assume you already know that you need to eat more, but I want to give you some ways HOW you can do that.

Here are 5 nutrition tips that skinny guys MUST know to gain weight:

1. Increase your meal frequency

Far too often, skinny guys try to "Eat big to get big". This doesn't work because your stomach is likely too small (right now) to eat a lot of calories in one sitting. While you may eat to the point of getting full, if you can only consume 800 quality calories per meal and do that 3 times per day, that's still likely not enough food to grow.

If you increase the frequency to 4 meals and one or two snacks, it's easier to eat upwards of 3,000 calories per day without overeating in a single sitting.

Until your stomach adapts to larger portion sizes, you can't keep the mindset of trying to stuff your face every time you eat and expecting the scale to move.

If you are eating 4 times per day with no progress after a week, switch to 5 times, then 6, etc. Trust me, once you get enough calories in CONSISTENTLY, you'll start to put on weight.

2. Drink protein shakes

Adding protein shakes to your nutrition plan will make it easier to stay consistent, while also keeping your daily calories higher.

Whey protein isolate is a high quality protein powder that works well for most people. Casein protein powder is perfect at night to give you a slow release of protein as you sleep.

Most protein powders will come out to about $1-1.50/serving. So this is a very cost effective and quick way to add a couple hundred calories to your diet every day.

Look for reputable companies to buy from. A good price is anywhere from $25-40.

3. Eat foods that are easily digestible

Eating foods that make you bloated or feel full for the whole day will reduce your total daily calories.

Foods like white rice, fruit, natural meats and fowl, eggs, dairy, nuts and starchy veggies are all great options that will allow you to keep your calories high without taking up much space in your stomach.

When you are constantly feeling stuffed with food, but you still need to eat another 2-3 times that day to hit your calories, it will be very tough to be consistent.

There is no need to feel miserable during your journey to putting on more weight. However, it will require you to be smarter about your food choices. Stay away from foods that you know are tough for you to digest and stick in your stomach. 

4. Always have high calorie and high protein snack readily available

The worst thing a skinny guy can do is be unprepared. Next time you're in the grocery store, buy foods that you can leave in your car in case of emergencies (when you forget to bring food with you to work).

This can include things like: Nuts, beef jerky, protein bars, whey protein powder, and trail mix.

As long as they are weather resistant with a long expiration date, it can work.

The WILL be a time where you wake up late for work and don't have time to make breakfast.

There WILL be a time where you had to skip lunch for whatever reason.

The biggest difference between skinny guys that get results and those that plateau is often preparation. When you have snacks in the car, you eliminate any excuse for not eating enough.

5.  Understand calories in vs. calories out

Eating in a calorie surplus will lead to weight gain. The calories needed to stay the same weight is called "maintenance". Eating in a calorie deficit will lead to weight loss.

So if you have been the same weight for the last couple months, that means OVERALL, you are eating at a maintenance level.

You may have had a couple days in a surplus, but on average you aren't eating enough food to grow.

This FACT must be understood and absorbed fully. Your body is not special. You are not incapable of gaining weight. You do not have a bottomless pit for a stomach. You CAN gain weight with consistency.

Eat more calories this week compared to last, until the scale starts to move. Then once you are gaining weight, you have to KEEP eating that amount to retain that weight.

Read that sentence again, because this is the part skinny guys don't want to hear.

If eating 3,000 calories keeps you at a certain weight, eating less than that will do what?....Cause you to lose weight. Sorry to tell you, that's just how it works.




While it can be tough to put on more size, weight, and strength as a skinny guy (trust me I know because I've been there), it's not impossible.

With knowing the right nutritional strategies, and implementing them consistently over time, in addition to proper workout strategies, you can build an incredible physique.

If you are a skinny guy with minimal experience with weightlifting and/or eating properly for your goal, and need help learning what you need to do to improve, check out these 59 tips I have put together specifically for you:

59 Tips For Skinny Men


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